I can't believe I'm posting this picture...w/ Update....
During the summer months our business takes almost all of my free time. Things around here sometimes get totally out of control to put it mildly. I manage the public areas of my home pretty well. But far in the back corner, where I wouldn't dare let anyone in is...The Room from H-e-double toothpicks! My art and craft area.
This is what I have...
And this from Martha Stewart.com is what I want...
So for the next couple of weeks my goal is to organize the before and make it look as much like the after as possible.
I'm starting today by purchasing some photo storage boxes and a couple of file boxes.
So if you don't hear from me for awhile, send out the rescue dogs. I'll probably be buried somewhere under all that junk.
UPDATE Progress has been made. Getting a little more Martha like. Instead of buying new, I've covered some shoe boxes in white to match the boxes I already have. I've cleaned out a bag of garbage. I'm sorting and organizing my art supplies. I'm feeling much better about the situation. Another day or two should get most of the work done.
I chose white because I find white and soft greens to be the most calming colors. They help me clear my mind of mental clutter and focus on my projects. I'm looking forward to creating in a orderly space for a change.