Saturday, March 31, 2007
The True Cost of Things
Labels: Finances
Friday, March 30, 2007
Use it Up, Wear it Out, Make it do, or Do Without.
When my children were small we were on a very tight budget. Yard sales were not as popular in our area as they are now. I taught myself to sew just well enough to make basic play clothes and dresses for my daughters. Sewing can be expensive. Early in our marriage even buying the cheapest fabrics and supplies was out of our budget. I discovered that I could take old dresses of mine, or those that had been given to me, take them apart at the seams and use the fabric to make dresses for my daughter. I would reuse the zippers, especially the short ones from skirts, buttons and any salvageable trim as well.
I used old dress pants of my husbands and made pants for my son. I also made all of their play clothes from old clothes. Any clothes made from suitable fabric were utilized.
There was one particularly bleak financial year that I spent a total of only $15 on clothes for my children for the entire year and that was on shoes.
With yard sales being as popular now days it is much easier to clothe children on a small budget so this tip is more about being creative with our finances instead of sewing. When faced with a need use creativity first before you go out and spend money. It is much more satisfying.
Picture: Dress made from an old dress. The collar was from an man's dress shirt. Ribbon and thread left over from other projects.
Check out Biblical Womanhood for more tips.
Labels: Frugal Fridays, Make it do
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Works For Me Wednesday
I had written a lovely post, full of humor and great insight. In fact, Blogger ate it because it was so good!
So you are left with this. Short and sweet.
Children forget things. Over and over and over. After telling my children how to do their chores again and again and again, I decided to make detailed step by step list for each of the chores that the kids were in charge of. No detail was left out,every step described down to the most obvious and basic level such as how much soap to use. I discovered just how necessary this was after finding that my daughter used a half a bottle of dish liquid to wash dinner dishes.
Each list was discussed with the kids and after I was sure they understood the steps the list was posted. The kids understood that after everything was completed then, and only then, was the chore finished. I still did spot checks but the time saved was impressive. No discussions as to whether they were supposed to do this or that, it was in writing for all to see. Discussion over. Worked for me.
For more tips check out Rocks in My Dryer.
Labels: WFMW
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
The Great Ant War Part 2
I'm killing 2 birds with one stone here. I've made great progress in my battle against the dreaded invading ants AND I'm counting this as a step toward breaking my bad habits (what in the name of sanity was I thinking of when I wrote that post?) I would say working on the pantry qualifies toward getting organized. That will be a topic for another day.

Labels: Homemaking/Organization
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
My Prize is Here!
Labels: General
Works for Me Wednesday

Labels: WFMW
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Old Habits Die Hard.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Somethings (People) Are Hard To Change
I love my husband. He is a wonderful husband and has worked really hard to give his family everything he can. He is a great guy!

HOW? By buying enough sugar to ensure triple by pass and maybe a life of dependence on insulin? How is that cost effective?
Friday, March 16, 2007
Spring Fever
It must be spring fever. I took my 15 year old son (who should be able to behave. Lol) out to the park to try and get a few pictures for Grandma. This is what I came back with...
I got a whole lot of this....
And this...
Labels: General
White Boards
Click for other great money saving tips.

Labels: WFMW
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Works for Me Wednesday
My WFMW tip this week is on storing sheets. When all my kids were home we had 5 beds to change sheets on every week. At one time I had several sets of sheets for each child's bed. This became a storage problem with the limited space we had at the time.
I eliminated all but 2 sets of sheets per bed , I kept 3 sets for the littlest child. I figured one for the bed, one waiting to go on was enough. The extra sheets were folded and stored inside the pillowcase. I put them into the child's underwear drawer or on a shelf in their room.
When laundry day came around everyone would strip their beds and put their new set on. When the laundry was finished everyone knew right where to put their sheets. No searching for a sheet that fit, no problem finding a sheet in the middle of the night when someone had been sick. Saves lots of storage space and time.
Click for more ideas
Labels: WFMW
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Great Mood Lifter and Darn Cute!
You can't watch this video and stay in a bad mood.
Labels: Just For Fun
What Dessert Are You?
Photo from
I found this quiz on one of the blogs I visit on occasion. I don't know how accurate these things are but they are fun.
You take the quiz and let me know what you choose. I chose Strawberry Shortcake.
Labels: Just For Fun
Sunday, March 11, 2007
The Waiting Game is Over...
Labels: Nature
Friday, March 09, 2007
Grow your own Kitchen Help.

Labels: Frugal Fridays
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
How I add whole grains to our diet.
Labels: WFMW
Sunday, March 04, 2007
The Great Ant War
Ants...I hate them. The word ant leaves a bad taste in my mouth. They scamper, crawl and creep into every crack and crevice. No matter how hard we try, short of poisoning the entire neighborhood, we cannot get rid of the disgusting little buggers. This year, much to my utter dismay, they have already started to invade my kitchen. Usually I have a reprieve from them until around May but not this year. I realize that I have to get started early if I want to stave off an all out invasion. I've decided to repackage every item in my kitchen that they might even consider leaving their nasty little footprints in. I have found them in almost everything that is boxed or bagged so my intent is to repackage everything that comes in a those containers. The key being that each item I use to repackage into must be free or almost free. The added benefit being that my cabinets and pantry should be much neater and nicer in appearance.
I chose to start with my cabinet right next to my stove where I keep the most used items in my kitchen. Here is my before:
And here is the after:
Granted, most of those items are not often bothered by ants, except for salt for some weird reason, but I wanted to start out with an easy to accomplish reorganization. I need some motivation to keep going, so I will try to post pictures of each area as I finish. My pantry is going to take awhile because it is a full closet size.
One tip I will pass on from all this that I find really helps. Sometimes ants are able to crawl along the grooves in the lid of a jar and get in even if the lid is on tight. To solve this problem I place a small piece of plastic wrap over the top of the jar before I screw the lid on. This adds an extra barrier to them.
Cheap containers are fairly easy to find. I repurposed a few, picked up a few at Goodwill, and put the word out to my friends that I'm looking for gallon, half gallon and quart size containers. I've already received a few. I printed out labels with my computer on regular paper and used clear tape to apply them. They are easy to replace when I need to. I hope to be able to finish my pantry and cabinets for very little money.
Labels: Homemaking/Organization
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Amazing Grace
I want to see this movie. John Newton (played by Albert Finney in Amazing Grace) wrote the words to one of the most beloved hymns of all time between 1760 and 1770, while working as an evangelical pastor. Son of the commander of a merchant ship, Newton was captain of a slave ship for many years, until he underwent a dramatic religious conversion while steering his vessel through a storm. Repenting and regretting the misery he had inflicted on the thousands of slaves he had transported across the Middle Passage for many years, he devoted his life to the Church, and wrote the lyrics to many hymns which are still popular today. Newton continued to preach until the end of his life. He was a great influence on many and the movie is about the results of that influence. This video of Chris Tomlin singing Amazing Grace ( My Chains Are Free) is wonderful I hope you enjoy it.
Labels: Just For Fun